back! That Angry Rabbit here once again to open the inbox in an attempt to
break the everlasting cycle of human idiocy. No doubt I will fail miserably
since trying to fight human idiocy is like holding out your hands to hold back a
tsunami. Yet, still I try, meaning I too am an idiot, or I was court ordered to
give advice so as to reduce my sentence for that bar fight I got into earlier
this year. I mean, what the hell was I supposed to do? The bar wench tried to
charge me for eight beers instead of just the seven I had. Bitches…
Angry Rabbit: Last week my wife and I purchased
three pairs of sneakers at a store. The service was poor and the experience was
frustrating. As we were leaving I noticed the cashier only charged us for two
pairs of sneakers. I chose not to say anything about it. In the car I told my
wife what had happened, and she said, "Well, the store made an error, the
service was poor and I guess that means I got a pair of free sneakers."
Even though I sort of agreed with her (and I didn't go back to the store to say
anything), this issue has been nagging at me. I feel as though I
"morally" did the wrong thing. Should I go back to the store and pay
for the sneakers? – Signed, Smelly Socks
Smelly Socks: Oh, someone is worry a lot about behaving morally, aren’t they?
Look, Smelly Socks, you feel guilty about the situation so if you ask me,
you’ve already suffered enough. How much is the store suffering? That’s what I
want to know. Look at it this way, look at how immorally the store behaved in
your story: The service was poor but on top of that the mark-up on something
like sneakers is practically sinful (they’re made for pennies on the dollar).
The staff is either incompetent or untrained at using a cash register. The
staff that is competent is surely underpaid. Using my moral math calculator,
you come out on top of that equation. If you don’t believe me, please refer to
the nearest Bible, turn to the Old Testament and read where it says an eye for
an eye and a pair of sneakers for shitty service. You’ve got God on your side,
Smelly Socks. Going back to the store to pay for the sneakers would be the work
of the Devil. Now put some free shoes on and go run in traffic.
Angry Rabbit: My boyfriend just won't respond to me
emotionally. I can't get him to open up about his feelings and he is not
sensitive to my needs. He makes decisions that affect me all by himself. I
never get consulted. Then when I mention a problem, he immediately tells me how
to solve it and tries to end the conversation. If I try to continue the
discussion, he says he already told me what to do and walks away. Can you give
me some hints on how to get through to him? – Signed, Carly the Carpet
Carly the Carpet: Um, ground control to Major Tom…forget about getting through
to your boyfriend, what the hell gets through to you? So he doesn’t respond to
you emotionally; I’m assuming he does respond to you physically? If that’s so,
you’re really nothing more than a pocket pussy that unfortunately for him, talks.
You’ve got exactly one option in this scenario: Withhold sex until you get what
you want, for him to talk about his feelings, which by-the-way he doesn’t have.
He’s got you by the panties, Carly; he’s not doing anything you want and
getting all of what he wants, which is off. Since he doesn’t give a crap about
you as a person, withholding sex is the only way he’ll even consider pretending
to like you for who you are in order to get sex (provided he’s not a rapist). The
only possible alternative is, as the only other good advice columnist besides
myself Dan Savage would say, “Dump the mother fucker already.” If you’re afraid
you won’t find another boyfriend, consider the fact that someone was in fact
stupid enough to be with you at least once. Finding a human boyfriend is easy
as long as you’re willing to put out. Just don’t let him talk you into pulling
out, ‘cause that shit don’t work. On the other hand, at least he’d be talking
to you which is more than you’ve got going now.
you’d like some advice from me, That Angry Rabbit, send your letters via email
to thatangryrabbit@gmail.com. Letters/Emails of Idiocy that I respond to will
have the privilege of being transmitted across the universe, ultimately causing
aliens to come and kill all of us. Until that time, hasta la vista, baby.